Dziga Vertov, L'homme à la caméra, janvier 1929.

Dziga Vertov, L'homme à la caméra, janvier 1929.
La monteuse, les mains.

Peter Watkins, La Commune de 1870.

Peter Watkins, La Commune de 1870.

Friday 28 December 2007

A Lockeian moment. In this scene the man in the middle is claiming the right to a plot of land to build a house. He already has a house in the adjoining neighbourhood, which is made up of semi-legally constructed houses. The four on the left and looking to build a house on the disputed plot of land, which could be considered as unclaimed common land. The are hoping to use a legal loophole that permits illegally built houses to remain if they are built in one night. The minimum requirement to be considered complete is to have a roof.

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